Coolfire News

Coolfire sailing at the Gate-BeLight Cup

Created of friends, colleagues and clients crew pulled the ropes well, and became the podium again!

Vácrátót botanical garden new building components

Corvin Udvar fire resistant glass doors

Completed, waiting in the workshop before installation

Test for fire resistant glass door, firing

We tested new glass successfully our produts in EI30 and EI60 fire protection class.

The prices are even more competitive.

Fire resistant sectional gate in Makó

It’s becoming increasingly popular the fire resistant sectional gate in the hungarian construction industry, because of practical, closing, quick movement and little space requirement.

We handed successfully the Makó Béta SAPA Thermo 74 EI 60 fire resistant glass wall.

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Coolfire Limited liability company

Coolfire Limited liability company
Headquarters: 9 Illatos street, Budapest 1098, Hungary
Company registration number: Cg.01-09-912574
Companies registration office: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
VAT registration number: 14628214-2-43.
Phone number: +36 20 387 5286
Email address:
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